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Archives for 2020
Governor Dayton directs state agencies to hire more employees with disabilities.
Gov. Mark Dayton has directed state agencies to hire more employees with disabilities, seeking to reverse an alarming decline in the state’s hiring of disabled people.
The governor this week signed an executive order that directs state agencies to increase employment of people with disabilities to 7 percent by 2018, up from 3.2 percent in 2013.
The directive is a response to concerns that Minnesota has fallen behind much of the nation in the hiring and recruiting of people with physical and developmental disabilities. It also is seen as a way for Dayton to gain support among the nearly one in five Minnesotans who have a disability, defined as a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s ability to perform a major activity.
MCIL offers its strong support for this executive order, and applauds Governor Dayton’s interest and intitiative on behalf of Minnesotans with disabilities.
MCIL has been a leader in its implementation and participation in a unique, national model of IL and VR cooperation, in partnership with MN DEED. Our IL/VR Collaboration enables MCIL to place IL specialists in each of the metro area Workforce Centers. This effort allow MCIL to work side-by-side with VR to provide IL supports concurrent with VR job training efforts. The intent is to provide these parallel services to increase a positive employment outcome. We believe that a positive employment outcome is enhanced by having good IL skills, and a successful IL experience includes meaningful employment.
Since its inception in 2008, the IL/VR collaboration has served between 1,000-1200 people per year, and has a 67% success rate of employment outcomes.
These efforts, among many other initiatives, along with Governor Dayton’s executive order will allow Minnesota to continue to address the significant unemployment of people with disabilities.
David Hancox
Executive Director
2014 Independently Speaking Summer Edition
The latest issue is ready to download. Get it while it’s hot!
Our New Home!
Beginning with a simple conversation at a meeting of the board of directors in November 2010, and after a considerable planning, searching, selecting, construction and preparation, we have finally moved into our new home. MCIL is now located at 530 North Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101.

With this move, we have added more than 3500 square feet of additional instructional, program and administrative space. It is quite a change for us. We are excited and look forward to serving in our new home.
Please watch the mail and your email, we will be announcing our grand opening reception soon (It will be scheduled for after the first of the year, so we don’t have to compete with the holidays.)
Independently Speaking Summer 2011
The latest edition of the newsletter is here!
Independently Speaking Archives
- Independently Speaking (Winter 2016)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2016)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2016)
- Independently Speaking (Winter 2015)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2015)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2015)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2015)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2014)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2014)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2014)
- Independently Speaking (Winter 2013)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2013)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2013)
- Independently Speaking (Winter 2012)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2012)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2012)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2012)
- Independently Speaking (Winter 2011)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2011)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2011)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2010)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2010)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2010)
- Independently Speaking (Winter 2009)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2009)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2009)
- Independently Speaking (Spring 2009)
- Independently Speaking (Fall 2008)
- Independently Speaking (Summer 2008)
MCIL’s Veteran Mentor Program for Hennepin County Court
One year ago on July 12, 2010 Hennepin County started a specialty court for Veterans. MCIL was asked to run and train the mentor portion of the program. The mentor program has grown quickly over the course of our first year. We have trained a total of 50 mentors. Mentors report to Missy Williams

weekly on their goals, and progress with their mentees. The mentees move in and out of phases that are marked by goals that they must achieve. The final goal of the program is to get the mentee at a place where he or she is able to function and support their own mental and emotional growth without the assistance of a mentor. So far we have successfully phased out 60 mentees. Currently we have 17 active mentors and 17 active mentees. Veteran’s court has grown so much in one year that we now have three probation officers that we work with on their caseloads instead of the one that we started with. Our goal in the next coming year of the program is to get the mentors more involved in the court process by having them speak directly to the court and judge. The mentors are the eyes and ears of the Veterans Court program and are able to let us know about how the mentees are doing on a daily basis. All mentors attend ongoing bi-monthly trainings and support group that meet before trainings. The mentor program is also about sharing information between mentors, mentees, and all partners. The mentor program is completely run by volunteer Veterans helping Veterans. Many of our mentors have gone through years of PTSD, domestic violence issues, CD, and have been sober for many years. The experience and care they bring to the program is what makes this program a success!
Follow MCIL!
Now you can keep in touch with MCIL through Facebook and Twitter!
Click the links on the left side of the page or use the following ones.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Systems Advocacy at MCIL
Systems Advocacy deals with systems issues affecting people with disabilities, and getting them involved in community issues. Nick Wilkie, Systems Advocate, helped organize this year’s Disability Day at the Capitol with the State Council on Disability, Direct Support Professionals of Minnesota, and the Centers for Independent Living in both Rochester and St. Cloud. (See picture of participants outside Governors office writing comments.)

Nick also works with the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities to help prepare the disability agenda for legislative sessions. In addition, he is working on systems issues including aging and disability, getting people with disabilities out to vote, housing, and grassroots efforts.
If you have questions or comments, contact Nick at
MCIL Consumer Story – Derrick
Derrick Dawson has been working with MCIL for about two years and in that time he has made so

me huge steps forward. He is more involved in his community. Derrick participates in MCIL activities, including Peer Mentoring, Social Night, Sign Language class, Computer Lab and Bus Training. He works at Office Max as a stocker, taking items from the pallets and puts them on the sales floor. He also participates in Epilepsy Foundation activities.
Derrick has become more outgoing and is a great member of our programs. When he was asked how this change took place he answered, “Working with you guys has made a big change in my life. It showed me that I could do things I didn’t think I could do.” and “I just stopped letting people tell me what to do.” He has learned “computer skills quicker than I expected!” “Your groups make me want to get out and come to the groups as much as I can!” “Being with the right people makes me feel more comfortable learning new things. I think it comes down to the way that person is teaching it.”
Working with us at MCIL has helped Derrick feel like he has the ability to control his own life. “Everything has changed. Now I’m telling people, no, I want to do it!” “You guys have been a big help!” “I see myself continuing to work and not letting things worry me. I also see myself wanting to get involved in more groups.”
It has been exciting to see Derrick grow, becoming more involved and taking charge of his life.