The Metropolitan Center for Independent Living is excited to welcome The Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice to our facility on July 11, 2024! We are excited to welcome the caravan from 12:00 noon until 2:00pm, along with our co-hosts:
- The Arc Minnesota
- Minnesota Olmstead Implementation Office
- Minnesota Council on Disability
- University of Minnesota Disability Resource Center
- Minnesota Statewide Independent Living Council
The caravan will be parked outside our building, located at 530 Robert St N, Saint Paul, MN 55101. We welcome you to stop by during this time, no registration required. Inside our facility, enjoy light refreshments along with a presentation on accessible voting and disability voting rights from Gene Martinez, Legislative Advocacy Coordinator for The Arc Minnesota. Hennepin County Elections will also be present, demonstrating accessible voting machines and answering all of your questions.
ASL interpreters will be provided. Please contact Cindy Tarshish at or 651-603-2015 with any questions or accommodations requests. Please note that the deadline for accommodations requests is July 5th.
About The Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice
The 2024 Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice hopes to interact with thousands of people across the country through its traveling roadshow, online Zoom gatherings, and supporting website from April to October 2024. While celebrating local disability rights movements, part of the Disability Caravan’s ultimate goal at each stop along the way will be to educate our peers on our history, and encourage them to be a part of their future by way of emphasizing voters’ registration for all. Click here to learn more