Metropolitan Center for Independent Living COVID-19 Preparedness
March 19 2020
Metropolitan Center for Independent Living (MCIL) continues to operate all programs and services. We assist a vulnerable population and have an important role to play in mitigating emotional isolation and expect to continue to be of service to our clients and community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are also deeply committed to the safety and security of our Employees, and Direct Support Professionals and we are therefore making a necessary change to a remote work environment with essential personnel working out of the MCIL Offices until further notice.
Though our St Paul Offices will be closed to the public effective Wednesday March 18th, our main telephone number remains as a point of contact 651-646-8342. Disability Hub MN can be reached at 1-866-333-2466.
We encourage you to contact your healthcare provider should you have an urgent need, or 911. COVID-19 concerns please note the following:
Minnesota Department of Health, Community mitigation (schools, child care, business) questions: 651-297-1304 or 1-800-657-35047 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Minnesota Department of Health, Health-related questions: 651-201-3920 or 1-800-657- 3903 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Consistent with the Minnesota Department of Health Strategies to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 in Minnesota and CDC guidelines, MCIL encourages proper hygiene, personally and for your surrounding spaces, through increased hand washing, not touching your face, and frequent disinfecting of your spaces (phones, keyboards, door handles, etc.) and following other CDC and MN Dept. of Health recommendations as the best way to prevent the spread of illness such as social distancing.
MCIL takes these necessary social distance measures out of an abundance of caution to reduce the spread of disease, so as not to overwhelm our healthcare system, to protect all, our elderly, people with disabilities, and to protect high-risk individuals.
Jesse Bethke Gomez, MMA Executive Director
Metropolitan Center for Independent Living