Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Celebrates
New Accessibility Ramps at State Capitol
New ramps provide access to south side mall, ensuring accessibility for all members of the public
Saint Paul, Minn. (Aug. 5, 2019) — Members of the disability community, ADA advocates, friends, family members, community leaders and policymakers will gather on the south side lawn of the Minnesota State Capitol Aug. 8 at 1 p.m. for a much-anticipated ribbon-cutting ceremony. The celebration will unveil two new ADA compliant ramps that provide full access to enjoy the popular gardens on the Minnesota capitol grounds.
The colorful landscape of flowers, shrubs and pathways was previously inaccessible to members of the disability community and others with mobility issues. The new ramps bring the historic property to the next level of accessibility compliance and ensure all members of the public can fully enjoy this welcoming space.
Twin Cities ADA advocate Rick Cardenas spearheaded the project, and his dedication has resulted in this important improvement to our state capitol grounds. Cardenas worked closely with community leaders, local disability advocates and organizations, along with former Gov. Mark Dayton’s office. More recently he worked with the office of Gov. Tim Walz who was committed to ensuring project’s completion.
The celebration will take place Aug. 8 at 1 p.m. on the south side of the Capitol at
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, St. Paul. Members of the media and the public are encouraged to attend. The event is sponsored in part by the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living, the Minnesota Council on Disability, Advocating Change Together (ACT) and Charlotte Forsythe.
For more information contact:
Rick Cardenas: phone: 651-357-8927