Great Lakes ADA Center
ADA Minnesota is part of a regional network of similar programs which are affiliated with the Great Lakes ADA Center based in Chicago, IL. The Great Lakes ADA Center serves Region 5, one of ten regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a division of the U.S. Department of Education.
Metropolitan Center for Independent Living (MCIL)
MCIL is a Twin Cities metro-based, non-profit 501.c.3 consumer-directed organization founded in 1981. MCIL is dedicated to the full promotion of the Independent Living (IL) philosophy by supporting individuals with disabilities in their personal efforts to pursue self-directed lives. Being “consumer-directed” means that the majority of decision-making employees (88%) and members of our board of directors (90%) are individuals with disabilities. MCIL’s 75 full-time and 70 part-time employees, 20 Board members, and volunteers are committed to promoting this IL philosophy through innovative projects and direct services that meet the needs of MCIL consumers.-
Disability Minnesota
This website provides a single-entry point to more than 100 Minnesota state agency programs, products, and services that are devoted to the range of disability issues. The site also provides access to laws, statutes, and regulations in pertinent disability-related areas.
Commission of Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans
Disability Services Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division
Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
Minnesota Ombudsman's Office for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Minnesota Council on Disability
Minnesota State Services for the Blind
Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services Division
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Minnesota Department of Education Civil Rights Compliance
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
For a comprehensive list of resources sorted alphabetically or by topic visit the Minnesota Council on Disability Resources