Transitional Services
For individuals who use BI, CAC, CADI and DD waivers, you may qualify to use Transitional Services. Through this program, individuals receive damage deposits, essential furniture, household supplies, and moving assistance in order to help you transition into your own home in the community. For the purposes of this program, a person’s own home is a setting they own, rent or lease that is not operated, owned or leased by a provider of services or supports.
In order to use this program, you must be referred by your case manager to MCIL. Case managers, please allow 7-10 days’ notice for referrals to be processed.
To get started, MCIL requires a referral from a case manager to initiate these services. Please talk to your case manager if you think this program is right for you.
Case managers, download the MCIL Transitional Services Referral Form and instruction sheet or complete the online Referral Form. Please note that the online form has some required fields, and all of the required fields need to be completed in order for the form to be submitted. If the required fields are not entered, the form will not be submitted.
When it’s time to relocate, we’re here to help.
NHR assists people who wish to move out of a licensed facility into stable community housing. MCIL staff will research options based on the individual’s preferences then create a timeline, relocation plan, help identify needed community support, and manage all aspects for a seamless move.
The NHR team can also help secure medical, social services, and support needed to help an individual live as independently as possible. Those services can include hiring a personal care attendant (PCA) who can help with essential daily activities like bathing, dressing, and eating.
The first step is for an individual to work with their nursing home social worker to get a county assessment. If the individual states they would like to move out of the nursing home, the county will determine what services the person qualifies for and make a referral to a provider such as MCIL to help them find a home of their choosing in a less restrictive setting.
If an individual would like support in talking to the social worker at your nursing home or to prepare for an assessment, we suggest contacting MCIL. Our staff can assist you to get this process started. These services are provided at no cost to the individual.
For more information, please email: